Vault Stats API

AlloyX maintains an API that allows consumers to retrieve a list of the available vaults and the individual vault-level details.

Endpoint Definition

All Vaults - /stats

Use case: Retrieve all of the vaults


Response: As a response, you'll get a data object that contains an array of Vault objects. You can inspect the object to get vault details and the historical vault assets in daily_vault_stats.

Vault - /vaults/{vault address}

Use case: Retrieve details for a single vault


Response: As a response, you'll receive a data object that contains the details of a single vault.

Object Definition


id (int): Numerical id of the vault

name(string): The vault name stored in the database

type(string): Optional descriptor

strategy(string): A description of the vault strategy

apy(string): Overall APY of the vault

total_value(int): Total usdc value of the value

Asset (Object): Contains the individual credit protocol asset values

usdc(int): Total available usdc

dura_token_count(int): Total vault tokens minted (18 decimals)

Daily Vault Stats

An array of statistics that describe the vault values for a given day.

created_at (string): Creation date for a given vault statistic object

total_value(int): Total usdc value of the value

dura_token_count(int): Total vault tokens minted (18 decimals)

Last updated